Tsuki, a Tokyo-born hairstylist now based in New York City, has crafted a unique style that has drawn the attention of top global brands. After moving to NYC in 2011 and gaining invaluable experience under legendary hairstylist Luigi Murenu, Tsuki established his own career and began collaborating with leading fashion houses. His portfolio includes high-profile clients such as Thom Browne, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, and Phillip Lim, where his skillful approach to texture and structure perfectly aligns with each brand’s vision.
In the world of beauty, Tsuki has contributed to campaigns for Estée Lauder, bringing his refined style to the brand’s signature aesthetic. Known for his adaptability, he has also worked with Zara on campaigns that capture both elegance and edge, showcasing his versatility across both high fashion and accessible style.
Through each collaboration, Tsuki demonstrates a deep understanding of brand identity, translating it into looks that feel both current and timeless. His work continues to make an impact, positioning him as a key player in the industry.