Louis Vuitton Menswear Fall/Winter 14/15


Peter Lindbergh frames Louis Vuitton’s fall/winter 2014/2015 menswear campaign. Icy but oh so fashionable, a looker is captured whilst revealing the latest from the Louis Vuitton’s menswear department. Even though the collection is dominated by blue, camel and oxblood colors in both smarter and casual pieces the brand has chosen to go with a tip to toe black look for the model, almost as a teaser of what is next to come.

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Graced in a suit over a white shirt along with casual jacket, chunky boots and a spacious travel bag, the new face of the campaign is managing to look handsome whilst being on the run when in reality his teeth is probably shaking like hell from the cold, therefore we salute you, you mystery man!

The expert of black & white photography, Lindbergh, does it again, another intriguing campaign has been delivered, this time for top leaguer, Louis Vuitton, we can’t wait to see more!

Text by Marija Filipova