A.P.C. Fall Winter 2022

To mark the existence of this Autumn Winter 2022 collection, and since our shows from “the time before” still seem inappropriate, we decided to ask our friends’ children to pose for photos, taken by a very young photographer of their generation, Tess Petronio, herself the daughter of friends and collaborators of A.P.C.

During the two-day session, the energy felt like we were preparing for a show, because there were a lot of people to shoot and film.

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“It’s quite unsettling.
In their eyes, I see their parents’ eyes.
The photos are taken in the home of gallery owner Louis Carré (1897-1977), built by Alvar Aalto from 1957 to 1960.
The Louis Carré gallery still exists at 10 rue de Messinein Paris.

When you cross the Strait of Messina on a little boat, it feels like the sea will swallow you up. I often get this impression in my life on land: how can you exist in so much adversity? Simply by taking ambitious risks.

After 35 years of existence, A.P.C. decided to unite the children of friends who, in many cases, work for the brand.

Picture a huge historic and cultural pile-up: two daysspent in this house with my friends’ children posing as models for a photographer of their own generation (between ages 16 and 20).

From time to time, I like to use the word “holistic.”
In this case, it is particularly relevant: all the details are condensed into the perception of a whole. We can feel the presence of artists (the gallery owner and his architect) who assembled all the

elements of this remarkable house to dream up a whole. Dare I say that it is a little like a collection?
All our friends participated in what A.P.C. has become today and I would like to pay a special

tribute to them.
And, for me, the presence of their children in this two-day session is a symphonic moment.”

Jean Touitou

A.P.C. Fall Winter 2022